Costa Brava forum
Jobs and careers in Costa Brava
Looking for a job and career in Costa Brava? Find job jacancies in Costa Brava such as chef jobs, retail jobs, bar work and much more!
Broadband Internet, Wifi, Phone and TV in Costa Brava
Discuss broadband internet, Wifi, phone and TV in Costa Brava. Topics ranging from ADSL, ISPs, broadband speed tests and checkers, cheap broadband and phone deals, choices and comparison, fibre broadband, superfast satellite broadband and more.
Moving to Costa Brava: tips and advice
Are you looking to move to Costa Brava? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.
General Costa Brava discussion
Talk about everything related to Costa Brava that isn't covered elsewhere
Coronavirus discussion in Costa Brava: Covid-19 news and updates
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Lost and found in Costa Brava
Have you lost or found an item in Costa Brava? Maybe you have lost a phone or passport? Talk to people in Costa Brava to see if we can help!

Lost: Smalle black Heather case with toilet stuff and alittle tin box with medicines
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