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Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:29pm
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Posts: 10

Location: Palamós

Joined: 15 Sep 2021


I am very interested in moving to Palamós in October this year from mainland Europe. I have basic to intermediary Spanish and am lloking at Palamós (more in the bakck of the city rather than the town centre as I prefer quiet and less traffic - both in terms of vehicles as well as people). Can anyone tell me what Palamós is like in winter? Can someone tell me what area in Palamós is a good area that isn't too exposed to noise and affordable for a 2BR appt for rent?

Alternatively, I am considering the Sant Antoni de Calonge area.

Also, I have heard that the insulation of Costa Brava homes is not quite as good as it might be say in Belgium, France or Germany. Are the newer buildings more up to European mainland standards?

It's all rather new to me but I am still excited to move down from cold central Europe.

Thank you in advance for your input.

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