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Podiatry in Sant Feliu area

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 6:30pm
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Posts: 5

Location: Begur

Joined: 12 Jan 2022

Buenas dias a todos.

I am currently visiting Sant Feliu 3 or 4 times a year looking for a property to buy so I can relocate from the UK. In the UK I am attended to by an NHS poditrist because of a condition with my right foot.

Does anybody know of a visiting podiatrist that would tend to my needs or if it is a visit to hospial in Palamos, then how would I go about arranging it.

Initially, it would be private medical (which I am assuming it would have to be) the visits would be once a week.

replies can be emailed to in either Spanish or English. Replies could include email addresses or telephone numbers of practitioners you would recommend. If there is a medical group for this sort of advice on Social Media, then that may be a way to communicate.

Here's hoping

and thank you very much


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