Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:51am
I have lived here now for 26 years and I am also married to a native of Spain. Things will have changed tremendously. When we arrived, everyone who wishes to stay longer than 90 days had go to the National Police and register. This requires an application form, a payment form a photograph and a second visit. You can do nothing in Spain without a number. In my case I have an NIE but nowadays it will be a TIE. Also after 15 years you become a permanent resident.
At first my wife and I had to have a health insurance but when my wife renewed her DNI she was entitled to medical care and so did I as her dependant.
I am not too sure how to register for health treatment but my wife says you have to go to a Generalitat office who give you a medical number. Then you would go to a CAP (Centre Attention Primary) and register with a doctor. An EU rule now makes each expatriate form any EU state and the UK who resides in another EU state that the country of nationality pays the health care for it's one citizens.
I have had confirmation from the Department of Health that NHS England pays 80% of it's budget for English citizens living outside the UK. By that I expect that Scotland and the other British nations look after their own.
I hope other expats living in Catalonia know more as I left things like that to my wife.